Retention & Understanding
10,000+ Q-bank questions, flashcards, visual notes to aid in the comprehensive coverage of
- Substantive laws
- Procedural laws
- Special Acts
that are specially curated for the State Judiciary exams you wish to appear for
15,000+ flashcards powered by spaced repetition
2,700+ rigorously reviewed questions curated specially for the State you wish to appear for.
High-Yield Notes for all subjects
Bookmark flashcards frequently asked questions from PYP, important case laws, questions, and High-Yield Notes for focused review.
Edzorb law Mobile for iOS and Android
Conceptual Clarity
Understand the laws and the intent of the legislation through visual aids for in-depth conceptual clarity and retention
Plus Even More Benefits
Round-the-clock doubts clearance and mentor support
Motivational podcast that never lets you run low on confidence
Where law students become judicial officers
Dominate your Examination with Edzorb
As a judiciary aspirant, you’re inundated with so much information, it’s difficult to know what’s important. Edzorb Law provides you with the right study techniques to help you retain, understand, and study more efficiently throughout your preparation. Excel in your mocks and be better prepared for your Judicial Service Examination when you learn by Edzorb
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Learn faster & retain more with Edzorb’s visual learning study tools
Up-to-date, accurate information so you stay a step ahead
- Over 1,700 Q-bank questions, flashcards, Comic illustration of Bare Act, Mind Maps and much more
- Fun, short, and easy to digest
- Comprehensive coverage of syllabus that builds the core concepts and prepares you for excellent results.
Study on the go with Edzorb Mobile
Make the most of your time with our top-rated app
- Read Edzorb’s study notes with aligned questions, flashcards, and solve quizzes on the go
- Bookmark notes, download for offline use, listen to motivational podcast and more
- Available on iOS and Android (insert hyperlinks)
Test your knowledge with flashcards powered by spaced repetition
Quiz yourself at optimal intervals for maximum retention
- Over 15,000 flashcards written and reviewed by experienced legal professionals
- Reinforce your understanding with spaced repetition so you don’t forget
Questions to ensure you’ve got things down
Test your knowledge and feel more confident for Prelims and Mains-Level questions
- 2,700+ rigorously reviewed questions for Prelims and Mains level examination
- Includes detailed correct and incorrect answer explanations written and reviewed by legal professionals
High-Yield Notes so you focus on the important stuff
Summarised notes on all subjects, saving you time and stress
- 1,200+ beautifully illustrated notes with full-colourcolour images and tables
- Separated into mind maps, case laws, visual notes, and quiz for easy studying